Source code for besl.coord


Routines for manipulating coordinates.


import math as _m
import numpy as _np
import ephem as _ephem

[docs]def dec2sexstr(deci, sfigs=1, hd='h', lead_psign=False): """ Convert decimal degree to a sexagesimal string of the form 'HH:MM:SS.S' by default. Parameters ---------- sfigs : number Number of significant figures after decimal in seconds hd : string, ('h', 'd') Hour or degree convention lead_sign : Boolean Whether to include the leading sign +/- in string """ lead_psymb = '' dform = {'h': 24 / 360., 'd': 1.} (h_frac, h) = _np.modf(deci * dform[hd]) (m_frac, m) = _np.modf(h_frac * 60) s = m_frac * 60 if (lead_psign is True) & (h >= 0): lead_psymb = '+' elif (lead_psign is True) & (h < 0): lead_psymb = '-' h = abs(h) coord_string = "{0}{1:0>2d}:{2:0>2d}:{3:0>2d}.{4:0>{sfigs}d}".format( lead_psymb, int(h), _np.abs(int(m)), _np.abs(int(s)), _np.abs(int(_np.mod(s,1) * 10**sfigs)), sfigs=sfigs) return coord_string
[docs]def sexstr2dec(sexstr, sep=':', hd='h'): """ Convert a sexagesimal string of delimited by a seperator character, eg "+HH:MM:SS.S" with ":", into a decimal float. Can also be a tuple of numbers. Parameters ---------- sexstr : str, tuple Sexagesimal coordinate in seperated string or tuple of numbers sep : string Seperator character between hours, minutes, and seconds hd : string, ('h', 'd') Hour or degree convention """ dform = {'h': 24. / 360., 'd': 1.} if isinstance(sexstr, str): h, m, s = [float(i) for i in sexstr.split(sep)] elif isinstance(sexstr, tuple): h, m, s = sexstr else: raise ValueError('Invalid input') deci = _np.sign(h) * (_np.abs(h) + m / 60. + s / 3600.) / dform[hd] return deci
[docs]def sep(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, hd='d'): """ Calculate seperation between two coordinates in decimal degrees. If using longitude in hours set parameter hd to "h". Parameters ---------- hd : string, ('h', 'd') Hour or degree convention """ dform = {'h': 24 / 360., 'd': 1.} lat1, lat2 = _m.radians(lat1), _m.radians(lat2) lon1, lon2 = _m.radians(lon1 / dform[hd]), _m.radians(lon2 / dform[hd]) dlon, dlat = lon1 - lon2, lat1 - lat2 a = _m.sin(dlat / 2.0)**2 + _m.cos(lat1) * _m.cos(lat2) * _m.sin(dlon / 2.0)**2 d = 2 * _m.asin(min(1, _m.sqrt(a))) return _np.rad2deg(d)
[docs]def sep_coords(needle, haystack): """ Match a "needle" single (lon, lat) coordinate to a "haystack" list of coordinates in decimal degrees. Use sorted lists for best performance. Parameters ---------- needle : array like List or tuple of (lon, lat) in decimal degrees haystack : numpy array 2 x N list of coordinates in decimal degrees Returns ------- sep : numpy array Array of seperations compared to original list in radians """ dlon = _np.radians(haystack[:,0]) - _np.radians(needle[0]) dlat = _np.radians(haystack[:,1]) - _np.radians(needle[1]) a = _np.square(_np.sin(dlat / 2.0)) + _np.cos(_np.radians(needle[1])) * \ _np.cos(_np.radians(haystack[:,1])) * _np.square(_np.sin(dlon / 2.0)) sep = _np.arcsin(_np.minimum(_np.sqrt(a), _np.ones(len(a)))) return sep
[docs]def nearest_match_coords(needle, haystack, min_sep, nearest=True): """ Search within a radius for sources between a "needle" single (lon, lat) coordinate and a "haystack" list of coordinates in decimal degrees. Use sorted lists for best performance. Parameters ---------- needle : array like List or tuple of (lon, lat) in decimal degrees haystack : numpy array 2 x N list of coordinates in decimal degrees min_sep : number Minimum seperation in arcseconds. nearest : bool, default True Return only the nearest match Returns ------- min_index : number or np.array Array index (or indices) of nearest object min_dist : number or np.array Distance (or distances) to nearest matched object matchn : number Number of matches within the minimum seperation """ # Convert minimum seperation from arcseconds to radians min_sep = 2. * _np.pi * min_sep / (360. * 60. * 60.) d = sep_coords(needle, haystack) matchn = len(d[d <= min_sep]) if nearest: min_index = d.argmin() min_dist = _np.degrees(d.min()) return matchn, min_index, min_dist elif matchn > 0: min_index = d.argsort()[_np.sort(d) <= min_sep] min_dist = _np.degrees(_np.sort(d[d <= min_sep])) return matchn, min_index, min_dist else: return matchn, _np.array([]), _np.array([])
[docs]def eq2gal(ra, dec, epoch='2000'): """ Convert equatorial coordinates in decimal degrees to Galactic. Parameters ---------- ra : number dec : number epoch : string, default '2000' Returns ------- glon : number glat : number """ if epoch not in ['1950', '2000']: raise ValueError( 'epoch = {}. Must be string 1950 or 2000'.format(epoch)) equ = _ephem.Equatorial(_np.deg2rad(ra), _np.deg2rad(dec), epoch=epoch) gal = _ephem.Galactic(equ) glon, glat = _np.degrees([gal.lon,]) return (glon, glat)
[docs]def gal2eq(glon, glat, epoch='2000'): """ Convert Galactic coordinates in decimal degrees to equatorial. Parameters ---------- glon : number glat : number epoch : string, default '2000' Returns ------- ra : number dec : number """ if epoch not in ['1950', '2000']: raise ValueError( 'epoch = {}. Must be string 1950 or 2000'.format(epoch)) gal = _ephem.Galactic(_np.deg2rad(glon), _np.deg2rad(glat), epoch=epoch) ra, dec = _np.degrees(gal.to_radec()) return (ra, dec)
[docs]def pd_eq2gal(df, labels, new_labels=['glon','glat'], epoch='2000'): """ Convert two coordinate columns of a pandas DataFrame from equatorial to Galactic coordinates, both in decimal degrees. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame labels : list Column names of df new_labels : list, default 'glon' and 'glat' epoch : string, default '2000' Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame With added columns """ df[new_labels[0]], df[new_labels[1]] = zip(*df[labels].apply(lambda row: eq2gal(row[labels[0]], row[labels[1]], epoch=epoch), axis=1)) return df
[docs]def pd_gal2eq(df, labels, new_labels=['ra','dec'], epoch='2000'): """ Convert two coordinate columns of a pandas DataFrame from Galactic to equatorial coordinates, both in decimal degrees. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame labels : list Column names of df new_labels : list, default names 'ra' and 'dec' epoch : string, default '2000' Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame With added columns """ df[new_labels[0]], df[new_labels[1]] = zip(*df[labels].apply(lambda row: gal2eq(row[labels[0]], row[labels[1]], epoch=epoch), axis=1)) return df